The Foundry

For the past 18 years we’ve been fine-tuning our engineering and product management processes to reduce risk and accelerate Innovation. Our processes and software patterns have been so well received by our clients that we’ve launched a venture development studio based on in that we call “The Foundry” which launched in 2021. The Foundry is … Continued

What the Heck is DevOps, Anyway?

What Innovators Need to Know about DevOps to Mitigate Risk and Accelerate Their Venture DevOps is a term that’s kicked around a lot in the industry. Have you ever smiled and nodded knowingly when it was mentioned (Dev = Development, Ops = Operations), but secretly you had no clue what it is used for? This … Continued

Part 2: Planning Resources from our launch of a 4-Day Work Week

We had 3 basic resources when we worked through deciding to pilot the program: An intro document where we thought through the ramifications and logistics. An intro email for our customers to announce the pilot A week 1 survey that we are using to track KPIs and employee sentiment during the pilot. All three are … Continued

Rapid Digital Transformation for Cost Reduction and Fast ROI

As the world struggles with the new realities around Covid19, there are many adjustments that Innovation  and Digital Transformation programs are going to face. “…help us do more with less RIGHT NOW!“ The Keys to Innovation At Elephant, we have long reported that Innovation requires 3 things, time, budget and political air support. You have … Continued

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Big data can be enormously useful to American healthcare. It can make sense of the enormous volume of data the healthcare system generates, and it can use that data to provide actionable insights into options for improved healthcare delivery. There are, however, obstacles to implementing a big data approach that go beyond the simple issue … Continued

Can Big Data Deliver For Healthcare?

If Big Data needs a big industry to prove itself, there’s no better candidate than American healthcare. “Big” only begins to describe an industry in which the National Healthcare Expenditure, one measure of the sector’s size, exceeds $3 trillion. Admittedly, that number is in some dispute, but the dispute centers on the proper accounting treatment … Continued

Safety and the IoT – For Better or Worse

Applications that make use of the Internet of Things and its flood of data can be tremendously beneficial in very practical ways. There are problems, to be sure, but there is enormous promise. Take, for example, just one sector of the economy where the IoT has obvious uses. In transportation, the IoT can facilitate smart … Continued

IoT: Staying Afloat in the Flood of Data

Faced with a flood of data pouring forth from the Internet of Things, what’s a company to do? If you approached the task of turning that data into something predictively useful in the normal way, you wouldn’t get far without great technical sophistication. You’d need Ph.D.-level data scientists just to create a predictive model, and … Continued